• About Vikram Katju

    Cancer Research Scientist

    Vikram Katju focuses his work on cancer research, using computational and statistical analysis to study genomic data. Having prior work experience at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and at University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Vikram Katju combines his passion for science and technology to contribute to the field of medical research.

    Katju is currently involved in a tumor study that has the potential to contribute to the development of new cancer treatments and therapies. In his work, Vikram Katju focuses primarily on the analysis of human whole genome sequencing data, but also has experience analyzing human whole transcriptome sequencing data, mass spectrometry data, and microarray gene expression data.


    Katju's work require the use of Python and R programming languages, but he is also skilled in using Perl and SAS in the analysis of biological data. Katju was first introduced to the study of Next Generation Human Whole Genome sequencing data while completing a fellowship at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.  This makes up a major part of his current work with computational and statistical analyses.


    Enthusiastic about computer science personally as well as professionally, Vikram Katju enjoys using technology in his everyday life, from his MacBook Pro laptops, iPhone, iPad and Kindle. He particularly admires the products created by Apple. In his free time, he also enjoys bicycling and participating in racket-based sports—including tennis, table tennis, badminton, and squash—as well as traveling and experiencing new cultures and cuisines.

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